Information Richness

DELIVERY CHANNELS WITHIN ORGANIZATIONS                                                            1

Information Richness

There are some channels which differ in their information richness. These
channels carry more nonverbal information. As we know verbal communications are more effective than written ones. Some analysis shows that effective managers lean to use more communication channels than less effective managers (e.g.Allen & Griffeth, 1997; Fulk & Boyd, 1991; Yater & Orlikowski, 1992). 
Nowadays, face-to-face and telephone conversation, video-conferencing has high information richness it is because receivers and senders can see or hear. They can see the Sender’s body gestures or hear the pitch of their voice. Handheld devices, blogs, and news letters and magazines present medium-rich channels because they carry some terms and pictures. Formal written documents, such as work papers, and spreadsheets, carry the least richness because the structure is inflexible and standardization. 
In organization, to communicate verbally or in written form can be strong. When determining whether to communicate verbally or in writing. As we know, verbal communications are used better way to express feelings. Written communications helps us for conveying facts.

Therefore, it is said that richer communication is not definitely better, but it may be better for some certain settings and types of communication, for example high and low media are, therefore, are determined to be better for a specific purpose. 

The communication of a data, provides considerable and a substantial new understanding of the data. The importance of information richness is that communication media differ in the richness of information process. Information richness is not only portray by single media but also by the mix media too.


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